Our mission is to help West Coasters get healthy and stay that way.

Ko ta matou kaupapa he awhina i nga Tai Poutini kia ora me te noho pera.

West Coast Health is your Primary Health Organisation (PHO). PHOs are Non-Government Organisations (NGOs).

West Coast Health receives most of its funding from the Ministry of Health, via contracts with Te Whatu Ora Health NZ West Coast. We work closely with Te Whatu Ora Health NZ West Coast, but we operate independently and have our own Board of Trustees.

We are the major funder of primary care practices (medical centres) around the West Coast. Being enrolled with a primary care practice on the Coast means you are automatically enrolled with West Coast Health and will receive health funding subsidies.

The subsidies we provide mean the cost to patients visiting their primary care practice is considerably lower than it would otherwise be.

We also provide a number of other health services, such as counselling, health navigation and PASS - Physical Activity Support Service (formerly known as Green Prescription).

The team involved in these health services work closely with primary care practices and, in many cases, deliver their services at or through them.

If you see a West Coast Health car out and about around the Coast, it's likely to be a staff member heading out to a primary care practice to treat or support another West Coaster.

West Coast Health, along with Te Whatu Ora Health NZ West Coast and Te Mana Ora (Community and Public Health), is also behind many of the health promotion messages and campaigns you will see around the West Coast.